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Woolwich Road
The guiding principles of the design are to create quality living spaces that place sustainability and well-being front and centre in a quality building that makes a positive contribution to its setting.
The Covid 19 pandemic has emphasized the need for usable, good quality external amenity space to all dwellings and the importance of accessible greenery for emotional and physical well-being. The building is therefore conceived as small scale, free standing ‘urban palazzo’ the cubic form of which is eroded to create generous inset balconies and terrace areas to all apartments on the upper floors bounded by deep areas of planting. The idea is of a building colonised by nature, which maintains the rhythm of green interludes along Woolwich Road and provides private green oases to residents.
The principles of ‘erosion’ and ‘greening’ are carried into the The scheme where recessed external terraces shifting from floor to floor to all apartments is lined with hanging planting. This arrangement offers benefits to the level of daylight and air quality to all apartments.
Adopting a commercial and/or retail frontage creating an active frontage to Woolwich Road with recessed set backs to the massing create views and connections towards the urban surrounding.

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