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Tutti Frutti
Tutti Frutti refers to a site in New Islington, under development by a partnership between English Partnerships, Manchester City Council and Urban Splash.
The site is alongside a newly created canal network that forms the north and west boundaries. The street was to be developed as a row of twenty six family houses, built in a terrace and inspired by the Borneo Sporenburg Docks development in Amsterdam. The right to buy and develop each plot was to be secured by competition - each purchaser appointing their own architect with the ambition to create a diverse and architecturally interesting street.
Purchasers and schemes for the first six houses had been agreed when Project Orange won the limited competition organized by Urban Splash to design a ‘bookend’ building. This was to complete the row and become a symbol of this unique project.
The brief was to provide commercial use to the base, and for family residential accommodation above in a variety of unit sizes and types. The scheme is conceived as a cluster of glossy, exciting and individual objects that interlock in a three dimensional expression of the separate homes.

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