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This new two storey Monsoon store is situated on a busy corner site in Kingston–upon-Thames. At the time it was the biggest site that was owned by the company and we used it as a test bed for new ideas and departments. We began by defining key areas within the stores, whereby a tone is established appealing to men, women, children or for lifestyle products. We also designed new accessories and shoes zones.
The shopping journey is common across all our boutiques, with entrance displays drawing the buyer into a more intensely merchandised area. Here, subtle lighting hues combine with colour, texture and blazing photography to give a more embracing and vivid feel to the space. At the rear of the store are the changing rooms which have proved a big hit with customers. They provide a more gentle ambience where flattering light and shade work to create a feel-good factor. The décor is different for each room; New York, Chill, Rose and Jaipur to name but a few.
On leaving the changing rooms, customers can pay at counters designed to accommodate the latest retail technology as well as space for clothes to be carefully and colourfully wrapped.

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